I've been playing with it as well but no success.  A few things:

1. The switch for FAAD probably should be "-f 1" to indicate decode to
2. FFMPEG should be in same folder as SOX and FAAD.  It may not matter
in the end if FFMPEG can not support stdout which seems to be the case
3. We need another AAC encoder that does support stdout.  FAAC says it
does but I could not find a command string that would work.  Here is
what I last tried:

  mp4 mp4 * MA:C_:AD:DR:ES:S_
        # FT:{START=-j %s}U:{END=-e %u}
        [faad] -q -w -f 1 $START$ $END$ $FILE$ | [sox] -q -t wav - -t wav - 
bass +3 treble -3 | [faac] -w -o - -

I ran out of time but next thing I'd try is removing the FAAC switches,
i.e. [faac] - -

FAAC manual: http://lynx256.free.fr/ipod/faac_help.pdf
FAAC download:

Apesbrain's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=738
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