philippe_44 wrote: 
> Just to be sure now that this is purely a player's problem, have you
> tried any other AirPlay device? ShairPlay on Linux or on Windows
> [edit]: something I should also have asked you a while ago. Can you go
> there and download
> the version that works with your platform (Windows, OSX, Linux ...) and
> in a command line window, just type "mdnssd-xxx -d _raop._tcp.local"
> (where 'xxx' depends on the platform). After a few seconds, it should
> output all the AirPlay devices you have and their characteristics. Can
> you send me the result? (you can redirect the output to a file if you
> prefer). I need to see exactly what capabilities this speaker
> broadcasts!
> [edit2]: having said that, I don't want to ruin your day but looking at
> the logs carefully, this player does not seem at all to care about
> timing exchanges that are needed for audio sync. It looks exactly like
> old versions of hairport that were good for streaming but did not had
> the code for sync. Unfortunately, most of these made in China speakers
> are taking whatever code they find on github and stuff it in their
> speaker, then claim it's AirPlay after a validation made of playing 2
> tracks. To confirm that, try to sync it using iTunes with another proper
> player (usually AV receivers are good AirPlay clients, or a Mac probably
> does the job, I don't know). The shairportw I sent you does NOT do
> proper synchronization, neither.

Oh...lets see if I can figure this out:
First I tested with my AVR and there was sound output and synch worked,
(seemes like Dont stop the music stops working with synched players
though) Log attached.
About your first edit. As I understand I can run this "tool" (?) on my
Windows PC for looking through my network for AirPlay devices. I dont
manage to do that. Running the exe gives me nothing and entering the
line above in a commandline gives me this response:

-C:\Users\Micke>mdnssd-win -d _raop._tcp.local
'mdnssd-win' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.-

So I must missunderstand something.
Anyhow, I begin to understand that the ugly truth is what you post in
[edit2] :)
It was cheap, but also got good reviews and sound pretty good for its
size, well the wife likes it with her iPhone.
If sync is not likely with this speaker, I´ll try something else.

Thanks a lot for your efforts

|Filename: log_dev-3 raop debug 20160905.txt                        |

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