Hi folks -- I'm not sure this is the right place for this question.  So
if I should post this somewhere else, pls. let me know.

I've been trying to get Ipeng 9 (windows 10, LMS 7.9, SBV3 and duet) to
play a Mixcloud track by pointing the Ipeng browser at the url 

The artwork comes up, and the play button can be clicked, but then it
just shows what I think is the the buffering symbol, and the track
doesn't play.  Is this a known issue?  I haven't been able to find a
relevant thread/discussion using google search.

I also tried viewing the page source to extract the mp3, but the only
mp3 I can find is for the "preview", not the full track.  Also a known
issue?  Is there another place I should be looking for the mp3 for the

Many thx for your help.

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