Hi Slava,

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 02:24:22PM +0300, Slava Dubrovskiy wrote:

> [ ... ]
> It is necessary to count the traffic with filtering on certain networks.
> For this purpose I need write ALL this networks to aggregate_filter.
> But this list of networks is big and it periodically varies.
> I cannot specify in aggregate_filter a file with the list of networks.
> How it can be made?

It looks like to be a task for networks_file - which is also
reloadable at runtime. I see you are already using it in your
config, is it not producing the expected results (ie. local
networks accounted for, all the rest zeroed)? 

For long, long lists of IPv4/IPv6 prefixes this might get
also preferrable from a pure performance point of view given
that aggregate_filter employs a BPF filter which would check
elements one-by-one, in the order you inserted them, until a
match is found whereas the networks_file employs a merge-sort


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