
To wrap-up this thread - unless new details emerge:
On Tue, May 04, 2010 at 11:53:59AM +0000, Paolo Lucente wrote:
> * one capturing some torrent traffic, so that i can replay it in a
>   testbed and see if i can reproduce and validate the behaviour.

Orphan fragments are really there. Action point on my side is to mark
these log messages as debug rather than informational. 

> * the other capturing some NetFlow packets delivered to nfacctd so
>   that i can look into them with a packet analyzer. It should never
>   happen that nfacctd is unable to parse NetFlow datagrams produced
>   by nfprobe.

The box was suffering sustained load due to the pmacctd process acting
as NetFlow probe lacking of internal buffering. This in turn generated
some packet loss. Adding the following lines to the configuration did
help bringing back the load of the box to acceptable levels:

plugin_buffer_size: 102400
plugin_pipe_size: 10240000


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