By the way, the latest tactic from cia-drugs is to claim that mentioning 
"Jewish names" in identifying the ringleaders of the Iraq War is "antisemitic." 
 This is a tactic straight from the neoconservative playbook -- the neocons 
often complain about mentioning "Jewish names."  Well, pro-Israel militants and 
militant Jewish nationalists associated with Likud and Greater Israelism often 
DO have Jewish names.  Duh.  Yeah: Norman Podhoretz, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard 
Perle and many other neocons have Jewish names.  So far no one has been able to 
challenge a single name on my list, or to provide a list of his or her own 
which challenges my list.  The cia-druggies in particular do not deal in 
empirical real-world data -- they traffic in half-baked theories.

Since cia-drugs regulars often use dirty (or stupid) tricks from the neocon 
playbook, quite a few people have come to the conclusion that the owner of the 
group is an Israeli gatekeeper in the conspiracy media (along with Jared 
Israel, Art Bell and quite a few others).  Israeli gatekeepers have been 
positioned all over the political spectrum, from the extreme left to the 
extreme right.  Nancy Pelosi on the left is enabling the same Armageddonist 
foreign policy as John Hagee on the right.  Israeli gatekeepers in the 
alternative and conspiracy media are working hard to suppress discussion about 
the most fateful issue and problem in American politics.

I have also enjoyed Alan's posts.  However -- I don't think I have yet seen him 
offer a convincing explanation for how an American attack on Iran would be in 
the American strategic interest with regard to energy resources or anything 
else.  Nearly all the zealots who are shrieking for an American attack on Iran 
are pro-Israel militants and members of a messianic ethnic cult that couldn't 
care less about the American interest or the interests of anyone outside the 
cult.  They are sucking up all the political oxygen on the planet in the 
pursuit of policies that are enormously damaging to everyone, including 
themselves.  Messianic cults tend to be extremely self-destructive.

LeaNder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                
> What is the other "fearful-future" scenario to which you refer?

Well maybe it wasn't the best of possible coinages? The other 
"threatening-future-scenario" is the other side of the Janus face you present. 
Let me try to outline a couple of its central images:

Armageddon or the religious entertainment spread by the "Christian" 
fundamentalist war hungry pro-Israel crowd and their pro-Israel supporters. An 
understandable but utterly bad idea. Although I take your geopolitical hints. 
As the defense of "our way of life" makes oblique sense that way.

The final outcome may well, according to Sean, turn out as something more 
sinister than we now would like to believe. Or put differently the people that 
now pass on the word RESTRAINT as the utter evil hindrance to VICTORY, believe 
their own  WWIII or IV rhetoric more than we would like to believe.

And they studied quite well the best ways to sell it. See captials above. As 
your version offers an ideal new near-sighted self offering of the old 
scapegoat while creating the new one. Which would lead us into a new more 
complicated scapegoat scenario.
> I'm really not afraid of the future. I've made all my inner
> adjustments already. I'm not afraid of death, and not afraid of
> being poor. I've been (relative to most Americans) poor by choice
> for many years, and I've found it acceptable, and even better than
> being rich. I've already trudged up the various learning and
> experience curves, and expectation-discount curves, so I'm ready.
> But most others are not.
> Alan

You sound like a very interesting and nice person. But I won't waste any time 
in trying to trace: Alan from ann_harbor on the net. ;)

Thanks for your contributions, the absolutely best for a long time. Why do we 
see all the strife and ad hominem arguments instead? 

I am not sure if you know cia-drugs, or have ever been there. Sean definitely 
can be nasty at times, especially when he tries to get his points home. But YOU 
didn't show at all the usual reactions, so in a way for me you are a wish come 
true. I always wanted to see somebody debating him instead of using all kinds 
of dirty tricks. Maybe we are all in the fangs of group think, one way or 
another. You showed the way out.

The Towers of Yorke 


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