>>>>> "David" == David Matthews <david.matth...@prolingua.co.uk> writes:

David> On 29/03/2013 20:24, Rob Arthan wrote:
>> Quite a common thing to do in UN*X applications is not to prompt if
>> the input isn't a terminal. Obviously, I can write my own
>> read-eval-print loop that does that (indeed the read-eval-print
>> loop in my earlier post on this topic doesn't prompt at all), but
>> it might be a nice companion to the change you have just made to
>> make the top level do that out of the box. That would give Gergely
>> Buday exactly what he is asking for (i.e., the ability to have poly
>> read code from the standard input and only output what the compiled
>> code outputs).

David> I guess it could suppress the prompt if the input was from a
David> file but generally I wouldn't want to suppress it if it came
David> from a pipe.  On Windows I normally run Poly/ML within an
David> environment that provides editing and communicates to the Poly
David> process through pipes.  Since it's interactive I want the
David> normal prompts.  It's difficult to see how to distinguish this
David> from "cat file.ML | poly".

Other tools do this by providing an extra flag argument.  They prompt
if stdin is a tty; or if '-i' (interactive) is provided.

Peter C
Dr Peter Chubb                                  peter.chubb AT nicta.com.au
http://www.ssrg.nicta.com.au          Software Systems Research Group/NICTA
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