On Fri, 29 Mar 2013, Rob Arthan wrote:

On 29 Mar 2013, at 11:50, David Matthews <david.matth...@prolingua.co.uk> wrote:

On 29/03/2013 08:42, Gergely Buday wrote:
Back to the original question: this is why I would like to suppress any compiler message.

I did not find such a flag in the manual, would it be possible to add one, David?

There have been a few suggestions for how to write your own top level and that's definitely the best way if you really want control over the output. I've just committed a change so that the -q option now sets PolyML.print_depth to zero so that by default the output won't be printed. To suppress the prompt you would be better off using the --use option to run the file directly. You will need to add OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success: unit; at the end if you don't want to enter the main read-eval-print-loop.

Quite a common thing to do in UN*X applications is not to prompt if the input isn't a terminal. Obviously, I can write my own read-eval-print loop that does that (indeed the read-eval-print loop in my earlier post on this topic doesn't prompt at all), but it might be a nice companion to the change you have just made to make the top level do that out of the box. That would give Gergely Buday exactly what he is asking for (i.e., the ability to have poly read code from the standard input and only output what the compiled code outputs).

Note that for a full stand-alone solution, Gergely also needs to take care of the shebang line in the ML "script".

Anyway, looking at the bigger picture, the general question is how much conventional Unixoid behaviour Poly/ML should provide by default. Using it as script interpreter is one thing. Doing cc-like compilation of object modules and executables is another.

People have occasionally pointed out to me that the bias of Poly/ML to the good old image dumping looks very alien to the man on the street. Systems like OCaml imitate the compile/link phase of cc more faithfully, which gives many people a better feeling. (I am personally not very excited about how OCaml compilation works.)

One could do a little bit here by including certain polyml options or shell scripts by default, to address both the scripting and the batch-compilation problem in a way that looks familiar to the masses.

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