On Tue, 2 Apr 2013, David Matthews wrote:

Personally I don't have any requirements beyond what Poly/ML does
already. What "the man in the street" wants to see, though, is something
that looks and feels like "polymlc ..." just like "cc ...", although
that might sound a bit silly.

Well it wouldn't be hard to provide a slight variation of the top-level that when it reached end-of-file it looked in the name-space for a variable called "main", checked that it had the correct function type and then called PolyML.export on it. If this would appeal to some current sceptics about Poly/ML then I'm happy to do it.

Actually it's probably not much more than
  polyml --use myprogram.ML --use export.ML
Where export.ML is
  PolyML.export("polyml.o", main);
  OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success: unit;

You get the idea. It is mostly about trivialities for people who know Poly/ML sufficiently well.

Note that the majority of people out there are not even sceptics of Poly/ML, because they have not even heard of it. Instead they are using much worse systems that they are used to.

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