
On 2013-08-23 Fri 18:09 PM |, Craig R. Skinner wrote:
> blacklists via multi-protocol + retries and random delay(s)
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Description:
> Compliments spamd-setup by downloading resources, with up to 12 attempts,
> each after a random delay of up to 5 minutes.
> If unsuccessful, cached data from a previous run is reused.
> Protocols supported: http, ftp, scp, sftp, rsync.
> Downloading tool settable; ftp, lynx, curl, rsync, [other]...
> Proxies usable, caching reduces everyone's bandwidth/time/expenses.
> Many hosts polling the remote servers at the same time (root's default
> cron job) can result in the "zero minute rush" issue, often resulting in
> "Illegal seek" or "Broken pipe" errors.
> See:
> This tool sorts out those niggles.
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> This port has a dependency of sysutils/libsysexits - which I'll post
> separately.
> I've included all revisions and the RCS files for the CVS tree, so other
> developers can see what's been tried up 'til now.
> Thoughts?
> -- 
> Craig Skinner | |

Attachment: spamd-setup-downloader.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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