Alexandr Shadchin <> writes:


> Now ok for me. Does anyone have objections to import these ports ? or OK ?

Those ports look fine to me too.  There are a few minor glitches:
- their build flags use -Wredundant-decls, this makes the build
  unreadable and makes it hard to detect real problems.  Patching
  configure is enough.
- kyua-cli needs a patch for 32 bits archs (attached)
- lutok build fine with lua5.2 but kyua-cli has lua5.1 hardcoded in its
  WANTLIB.  I don't know what's the way to go, forcing one version of
  lua for both ports, or using flavors and MODULES = /lang/lua in
- I modified Sergey's patch for kyua-testers so that mounting tmpfs is
  supported, and emulated lchmod instead instead of just removing the
  call (also attached).

Attachment: patch-utils_datetime_test_cpp
Description: Binary data

Attachment: patch-fs_test_c
Description: Binary data

jca | PGP: 0x06A11494 / 61DB D9A0 00A4 67CF 2A90  8961 6191 8FBF 06A1 1494

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