This is a new port for mp3applygain.  When mp3gain was removed and rgain
recommended as its replacement, we lost the ability to apply replaygain
information directly to mp3 files, which is necessary if you want to
have normalized volume for mp3 files in an mp3 player that doesn't
handle replaygain information in tags (common in hardware mp3 players).
This utility is designed to do that and just that.

I forked mp3applygain from mp3gain, and ripped out pretty much all the
code, including the insecure mpglib and the replaygain calculation
code.  The only code that remains is the code that applies the
replaygain to the file. The replaygain info is provided on the
command line.  Example use:

  mp3applygain 3.85 2 file.mp3

For added security, this is pledged "rpath stdio wpath" right after
initialization, and "stdio" after the file is opened.  It only
operates on a single file per program invocation.

OK to import?


Attachment: mp3applygain.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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