Steve Heaven a écrit :
> On Mon, 2009-09-07 at 11:50 -0400, Sahil Tandon wrote:
>> You should not accept mail for invalid recipients.  Use existing
>> functionality to build a cache/database of valid recipients "on the fly".
>> See:
> We have no way of knowing if the recipient address is valid or not as we
> are only acting as a relay for the final destination.
> We cannot build a database of recipients on the fly as that information
> is held on the various servers of our clients, to which we do not have
> access.

the old: "try to pass to next, until  final server accepts or rejects"
is n more acceptable. recipients must be checked at the "edge".

postfix provides reject_unverified_recipient to help you for that
(assuming the next relay really validates the recipient).

It's been a time that most people acknowledge that backscatter is a
problem. those who take a selfish approach to mail should not be
surprised if they are blacklisted, and should not ask for help.

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