On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 11:30:51AM +0100, St?phane MERLE wrote:

> But then, what status get and email retried without success until the end ? 

  2009-11-12T10:59:32-0500 amnesiac postfix/qmgr[1706]: A323688C523:
    from=<jlu...@example.com>, size=385848, nrcpt=50 (queue active)

  2009-11-12T10:59:33-0500 amnesiac postfix/smtp[24820]: A323688C523:
    to=<undelivera...@example.net>, relay=none, delay=435330,
    delays=435328/0/1.4/0, dsn=4.4.3, status=deferred
    (Host or domain name not found. Name service error for name=example.net
     type=MX: Host not found, try again)

  2009-11-12T10:59:33-0500 amnesiac postfix/qmgr[1706]: A323688C523:
    from=<jlu...@example.com>, status=expired, returned to sender

  2009-11-12T10:59:33-0500 amnesiac postfix/cleanup[31947]: 71FDF88C221:

  2009-11-12T10:59:33-0500 amnesiac postfix/qmgr[1706]: 71FDF88C221:
    from=<>, size=4063, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

  2009-11-12T10:59:33-0500 amnesiac postfix/bounce[32403]: A323688C523:
    sender non-delivery notification: 71FDF88C221

  2009-11-12T10:59:33-0500 amnesiac postfix/qmgr[1706]: A323688C523: removed

  2009-11-12T10:59:33-0500 amnesiac postfix/smtp[29704]: 71FDF88C221:
    to=<jlu...@example.com>, relay=mail.example.com[]:25,
    delay=0.15, delays=0.01/0/0.03/0.12, dsn=2.6.0, status=sent
    (250 2.6.0 <20091112155933.71fdf88c...@amnesiac.example.com>
     Queued mail for delivery)

  2009-11-12T10:59:33-0500 amnesiac postfix/qmgr[1706]: 71FDF88C221: removed


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