On 11/12/2009 9:21 PM, Alex wrote:
It looks as if you're trying to whitelist the client by IP, so you need
check_client_access to check an IP.

Yes, and I've tried that too. I have done quite a bit of reading, and
afraid I'm getting conflicting info now. I've read posts from Ralf in
the past, as well as the man pages and other docs at postfix.org, but
it's still not working. Can you point me to the right documentation
that outlines why it would be check_client_access to check an IP?

You use check_client_access because your table contains a client IP. If your table contained the actual bad HELO name you could use check_helo_access, but generally it's better to whitelist by client address.

If you feel you've gotten conflicting answers, it's only because you keep changing the question.

(Way past) Time to post "postconf -n" and the actual log entry of what you are trying to allow.

  -- Noel Jones

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