Udo Rader wrote:
> Brian Mathis wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Joe <j...@tmsusa.com> wrote:
>>> Stan Hoeppner wrote:
>>>> I've been a
>>>> Debian (non-GUI) user for almost 10 years.  I've never touched Ubuntu,
>>>> or any other distro.  Debian has always come through for my server
>>>> needs, so I've never considered anything else.  Convince me why I
>>>> should
>>>> switch my Postfix server environment from Debian to Ubuntu.  I'm
>>>> curious
>>>> to see how compelling your argument is.
>>> If you're happy with debian then there's no point - but let's turn the
>>> question around: Convince me why I should switch from ubuntu to debian.
>>> Let's see what arguments you have.
>>> Joe
>> How about you both realize that neither of you has enough information
>> to make an objective decision, and that any kind of "arguments" you
>> can come up with has more to do with what you're familiar with than
>> anything else, and continuing the discussion along these lines only
>> amounts to a holy war and nothing else.
>> As for the original question, it all comes down to what you are
>> comfortable with.  The 2 main runners here are CentOS and Ubuntu.
>> I've heard good things about Ubuntu but haven't tried it much.
> with all due respect - would you please keep this very off topic noise
> from this usually very informative and helpful mailing list?

Agreed, it wandered too far OT... end of thread, follow-ups to PM.


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