On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 04:34:32PM -0500, Noel Jones wrote:

>> But this entails that a user remember the unityserver domain. We'd like
>> the process to be cleaner by allowing forwards to their public address.
>> Then our smtp will be responsible for rerouting it to the unity server.
>> Hope this helps.
> Would redirecting all mail addressed to
> u...@unityserver.example.com => u...@example.com
> be a reasonable solution?  If so, the details of how to do that might 
> depend on how example.com is currently defined and delivered in postfix.
> I still get the impression we don't have enough details of how mail is 
> handled at your site and how the unity server integrates into it to provide 
> a robust solution.

Perhaps the OP is largely unaware of the role of envelope addresses
in email delivery and not aware of support for virtual(5), canonical(5)
and generic(5) rewriting in Postfix.


Determing email recipients based on header addresses is universally a
bad idea on an MTA.


P.S. Morgan Stanley is looking for a New York City based, Senior Unix
system/email administrator to architect and sustain our perimeter email
environment.  If you are interested, please drop me a note.

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