Wietse Venema put forth on 3/6/2011 3:29 PM:

> Postfix uses statfs/statvfs as part of a safety net. If you delete
> the call, then Postfix would waste more bandwidth receiving mail
> that it can't store.
> However, if statfs/statvfs are broken, then there are likely to be
> more problems. 

> I would recommend against using the file system for
> the email queue.

What?!?!?  What?!  Seeing you state this Wietse prompts me to run for
the bomb shelter, for the world as we know it will soon end. :)

Would that not make his only other option, assuming he sticks with his
current kernel, a ramdisk?  In a scenario where the target machine has
only 64MB RAM?  And considering you've expended countless keystrokes
over the years telling OPs to _never_ _ever_ put the queue on a ramdisk?

Or, are you suggesting, in a creative Wietse'esque dead pan humorous
way, that he fix the problem with his current kernel, as I did far back
in this thread, and others have since?


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