On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 02:15:34PM -0600, Josh Cason wrote:

> I have this 1 email from 1 company from 1 person who for some
> reason gets stuck in the incoming folder. Mail After it goes through.
> Mail Before it goes through. The maillog show the message showing
> up. Then that is it. The file stays in chmod 600.  I found a
> suggestion of putting -v behind pickup. All that seemed to do was
> reqeue the message each time restarted postfix and get stuck again.
> I have never had any problem before with postfix. That I know of.

Messages in the incoming directory that are mode 0600 are in the
process of being received by the cleanup(8) service.  The entire
message has not yet been received, and so naturally does not get

If there is a cleanup(8) process with the queue file open for write,
the problem is upstream in smtpd(8) or remote sender or in pickup(8).

Look for problem reports from cleanup(8) in your logs.  Does the
message arrive from outside via SMTP or is it submitted locally?
Does pickup(8) or smtpd(8) log any problems?


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