The two entries in log file. I change a few things to protect my mail server, client and sender. But you should get the idea.
This is how my mailserver system is setup.

cisco router - assp spam filter - postfix mailserver with mailscanner.

It is suspose to go to the hold folder. So MailScanner can pick it up. But never makes it to that folder. I thought perhaps the assp was cutting out to soon on the message. I have some disconnects around that time. But if that was the case I thought I would have found more. But I observered most of the day and have been running this assp setup for 2 months. Everything goes fine. Before that was postini - router - postfix with mailscanner. I did check the assp log and say the message went just fine. No errors. Thinking maybe it was disconnecting to soon. But the servers are on the same shelve with the same switch on the same network.

I asked my client if the if there customer was sending the mail was getting a error message. He did not know. They just know the email was not showing up. So I checked my normal spots. No dice. Then that is when I found it stuck in the incoming folder.

I see the email three times in the log. All next to each other. I see the connection from my spam filter. The hold header on the messag and the third time with a message id.

Sep 11 17:29:38 primary postfix/cleanup[25098]: 054AC10D800E: hold: header Received: from BOZO2.onsite.local ( [])??by ) with ESMTP id 054AC10D800E??for <>; Wed, 11 Sep 2013 17:29:36 -0600 (M from[]; from=<> to= <> proto=ESMTP helo=<BOZO2.onsite.local> Sep 11 17:29:38 primary postfix/cleanup[25098]: 054AC10D800E: message-id=<4e653ecbe3cd403bb 5254d7554e43fd9@BOZO2.onsite.local>

I hope this helps some more. Unelss I need to turn on debugging or missing it. I didn't see any error messages in the maillog. That the first thing I looked for was error messages. Then I have something to follow.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Viktor Dukhovni" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 2:44 PM
Subject: Re: 1 mail being stuck in incoming mail queue.

On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 02:15:34PM -0600, Josh Cason wrote:

I have this 1 email from 1 company from 1 person who for some
reason gets stuck in the incoming folder. Mail After it goes through.
Mail Before it goes through. The maillog show the message showing
up. Then that is it. The file stays in chmod 600.  I found a
suggestion of putting -v behind pickup. All that seemed to do was
reqeue the message each time restarted postfix and get stuck again.
I have never had any problem before with postfix. That I know of.

Messages in the incoming directory that are mode 0600 are in the
process of being received by the cleanup(8) service.  The entire
message has not yet been received, and so naturally does not get

If there is a cleanup(8) process with the queue file open for write,
the problem is upstream in smtpd(8) or remote sender or in pickup(8).

Look for problem reports from cleanup(8) in your logs.  Does the
message arrive from outside via SMTP or is it submitted locally?
Does pickup(8) or smtpd(8) log any problems?


This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by Galaxy Mail Server, and is
believed to be clean.

This message has been scanned for viruses and
dangerous content by Galaxy Mail Server, and is
believed to be clean.

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