On 27/3/2014 4:47 μμ, Birta Levente wrote:

I'm not sure and this is not tested, but maybe you can:

noa.gr relay1:[vmail.noa.gr]
admin.noa.gr relay2:[vmail.noa.gr]

add to master.cf:
relay1 unix - - n - - smtp
-o fallback_relay=[firstwhateverhost]
relay2 unix - - n - - smtp
-o fallback_relay=[secondwhateverhost]

Interesting! It might work. I'll try to find an opportunity to test it.

Yet, IMHO it might be a good idea for some future version to support full lookup tables in fallback_relay e.g. in the form (just speculating):

noa.gr relay:[vmail1.noa.gr,vmail2.noa.gr]
tech.noa.gr relay:[vmail1.noa.gr,vmail5.noa.gr]

All the best,

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