Hmm "progress" as now I'm getting
5.1.1 ADDRESS: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in relay
recipient table"
Not finding much in log files
Still on it though.

/Martin S

2015-06-14 17:44 GMT+02:00 Martin S <>:
> Oh my old configs are very very gone =) As the old system was Centos
> and the new one Debian they went the way of the Dodo with the complete
> reinstall ...
> I'll recheck the section now that I'm home.
> /Martin S
> 2015-06-14 15:57 GMT+02:00 Michael Munger <>:
>> Mar
>> This is a different error than you were getting before. YOu were getting
>> "user unknown in recipient table" before, which meant postfix could not
>> figure out who you wanted to send mail to... or if it was even
>> responsible for that domain / user's mail.
>> Now, you have a problem with "are you allowed to send me mail?".
>> My first question is: did you overwrite all the config files you had
>> before and use the ones specifically in the tutorial?
>> I suspect not. This error comes about when the remote side is trying to
>> authenticate with an authentication mechanism that the server side
>> doesn't support.
>> Here's why it works locally:
>> When you send locally, you're sending via, which is clearly in
>> your mynetworks (as it would be by default). This means you're doing IP
>> authentication to send mail. Thus, it works as long as you're in your
>> own sandbox.
>> When you attempt to send mail from outside your machines "self made"
>> sandbox of, then you are required to authenticate.
>> Otherwise, spammers can use you as a relay.
>> So, thus far, it's working properly.
>> Now, on the remote side, when you try to authenticate, you're trying to
>> use PLAIN (plaintext) ,and the server is rejecting that request.
>> This tells me that your /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf file is incorrect,
>> in valid, non-existent, or (at the very least) not setup the way the
>> dictates.
>> If you double check that article, under the section How to Configure
>> Saslauthd for our Linux Mail Server, you'll see that the second line of
>> the configuration for the /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf line specifies:
>> mech_list: PLAIN LOGIN
>> Since your server is not allowing this, you need to check that out.
>> Re-Read the section: Debugging Loggin Failures.
>> If you are still trying to use your own configs, scrap them. Start with
>> these tested configs, and you can modify it after you get it working.
>> Double check every detail, and if it still doesn't work, post back here
>> with your specific errors (error text required) as well as the relevant
>> snipits from /var/log/syslog as applicable.
>> Michael Munger, dCAP, MCPS, MCNPS, MBSS
>> High Powered Help, Inc.
>> Microsoft Certified Professional
>> Microsoft Certified Small Business Specialist
>> Digium Certified Asterisk Professional
>> On 06/14/2015 04:53 AM, Martin S wrote:
>>> OK, re-did it all using
>>> Still having the same problem, it works locally but not from the rest
>>> of the world. E.g. using Postfix admin I can send mail to my account
>>> but using the service I can't access the
>>> account.
>>> Mailing from my laptop I get Your SMTP server does not support PLAIN.
>>> Choose a different authentication method. The server responded: "5.7.8
>>> Error: authentication failed: authentication failure
>>> Going to look at it when i get home
>>> /Martin S
>>> 2015-06-13 17:36 GMT+02:00 Michael Munger <>:
>>>> It's easier to do it right the first time than it us to "unlock" your
>>>> install.
>>>> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>> From: Martin S
>>>> Date:06/13/2015 3:51 AM (GMT-05:00)
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: newbie faq - sorry: recipient lists
>>>> hi,
>>>> I've set up a mailserver (as my hosting mail is crap) using this site:
>>>> I am
>>>> having problems with recipients. No matter how I set up my recipeints
>>>> (local or virtual) I get Recipient address rejected: User unknown in
>>>> relay recipient table"
>>>> Can someone point me to a reliable instruction for me to unfuck my
>>>> installation?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Martin S
> --
> Regards,
> Martin S


Martin S

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