Wietse Venema:
> Banyasz Botond:
> > i have a transport_maps: transport_maps=tcp:[localhost]:1515
> > postmap  -q text@example tcp:[localhost]:1515    gives: retry:4.0.0 
> > internal temp defer
> For the past 10+ years, Postfix has always blocked mail that resolves
> to the 'error' transport. Doing the same for the 'retry' transport
> was a bugfix. The bugfix of 20140224 fixes several bugs with the
> handling of the retry transport (it is not safe to fill the queue
> with messages that will never be delivered).
> You can pipe the reply from the tcpmap server through another map to
> replace the retry response with something else like 'smtp'.

One corection is needed:

    smtp .. .. .. .. .. .. smtpd -o { 
        transport_maps = pipemap:{ 

    /^retry:/   smtp:
    /(.+)/      $1

That last pattern is needed to keep the non-retry results.


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