On Mon, 17 Jun 2019 19:48:05 -0500
Chris Pollock <cpoll...@embarqmail.com> wrote:

> Apologies if the subject is vague however I'll attempt to explain
> further. I run a cron job once a day that updates my Spamassassin
> rules. Up until a couple of weeks ago I would get the output of that
> cron job mailed to me. For some reason this is the only cron job
> output that's not coming back. I've determined that size it not a
> factor since some of my hourly logcheck messages are up to 400k if a
> restart has taken place. Below is the output when it was working and
> the output since them. I can't see a difference so it has to be
> something at my ISP with just this one cron job but I can't see it. 
> https://pastebin.com/v0rMErQh
> Thanks for any suggestions

This doesn't sound like an issue coming from your ISP since the rest of
your smtp traffic is passing through - ISPs would block all traffic on
port 25 for example. The information you provided is limited but I would
start with what might have changed in your system the last couple of
weeks and then try to run the job manually and see if there is any
traffic generated going to the smtp daemon.

Nektarios Katakis.

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