On 10 Feb 2021, at 10:05, Chris Green <c...@isbd.net> wrote:
> but this doesn't seem to have worked.  What am I doing wrong now? (I
> have run 'newaliases').

what does

postconf -d myhostname mydomain myorigin


It should report:

myhostname = isbdGandi.isbd.uk
mydomain = isbd.uk
myorigin = $myhostname

NONE of these should need to be set in main.cf, as the are default values.

'Ah... I see that the new traffic division is having the desired
        effect.' He indicated a large pile of paper. 'I am getting any
        amount of complaints from the Carters' and Drovers' Guild. Well
        done. Do pass on my thanks to Sergeant Colon and his team.'
'I will, sir.'
'I see in one day they clamped seventeen carts, ten horses, eighteen oxen and 
one duck.'
'It was parked illegally, sir.'

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