Hi Wietse,

all pending 'corrupt' messages are sent now. No errors. 🙂

I'll upgrade the system to FreeBSD 13.1 and Postfix 3.7.2
and keep an eye on the queue size.

Thank you for your help.

And thank you for Postfix, it makes a good job here since 2004! 🙂

Kind regards

 Frank Brendel
Administrator Rechenzentrum

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dem 30.08.2022 um 11:47 -0400 schrieb Wietse Venema:
> I can't come up with a 'reasonable' way to reproduce this error.
> For example, if the queue manager somehow read the wrong information
> from the message size record, it would have logged "Unexpected
> record type 'N'" before reaching the 'X' record, or some other
> error if it had jumped into the middle of a queue file record.
> That leaves 'unreasonable' problems such as CPUs taking the wrong
> branch, and data-dependent memory errors.
>         Wietse

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