> Did you reconfigure Postfix to use the generated PEM file 
> as your certificate and private key file?

I didn't know it had to be done...
I just do what you recommend.
How do I need to do this reconfiguration?
Please tell me about this in more detail.

And another question: do these commands have to be run as a normal user or as a 

$ dnsname=mailserver.mail.lan
$ rm certkey.pem
$ openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /dev/stdout \
  -config <(            printf 'distinguished_name=dn\n[dn]\nprompt=yes\n') 
-x509 -subj / -days 3653 \
  -addext "basicConstraints = critical,CA:FALSE" \
  -addext "extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth" \
  -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:$dnsname" >> certkey.pem

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