On 23/07/2023 16:00, Wietse Venema wrote:
lejeczek via Postfix-users:
-> $ postfix reload # did not work, new certs/files where
only picked up with "full" restart, with "systemd" in this case.

and when done, then server-postifx supplied new certs
immediately - clients where happy.

I was thinking "glitch" for perhaps SElinux labels and the
files prevented access to 'postfix' - I noticed my Nginx
were not good for those labels, at that time - but then I'd
think 'postfix' would error out, also then how & where would
it cache older certs making it available to itself.
You appear to have a systemd integration problem, where a relaod
request is not propagated to running Postfix instances.

Until that is fixed by your Linux disto mainteiner, use "postfix
reload" which has always worked properly.

But even if what I did - reload - was supposed to work then my question, as originally: should it be required each time new cert-files land on the server? I must not be the first nor the only one wondering this - I confess being a novice to this - 'certbot' certs are good only for a quarter and if one has a few of those.... it might be a headache that way, no? I expected 'postifx' or it's component(s) would iwatch those certs & with help of internal business logic, to make sure those new files are certs indeed and new(er) ones,  would use/load them asap. I'm not a programmer but any "regular" admin's perspective will the same/similar, no?

for clarity's sake:
-> $ postconf -d mail_version
mail_version = 3.5.9

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