On Sun, Aug 13, 2023 at 01:47:05PM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:

> > Any votes for JSON? :-)
> > 
> >     { "account": "user:foo", "base64password": "AAAABBBBCCCC" }
> Before other people start to chime in, let me set some expectations.

My suggestion of JSON is largely in jest.  After taking generality to
extremes, we can recoil in horror, and implement the simple solution.

The only part of the suggestion that plausibly has modest merit is
represent the password as a base64 binary blob.  When passwords are
non-ASCII, their representation in config files is no longer well
defined.  Who knows what encoding was used when the password was
created, and what encoding is used by the maintainer of the config file.

Therefore, treating the password as opaque binary data rather than text
has some technical merit.  On the other hand, non-ASCII passwords for
accounts used by an unattended MTA to submit mail will be quite rare,
and are likely not worth inconveniencing the majority.

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