PowerMail Engineering wrote:

>Christian Roth wrote:
>>(from startswith kris OR from startswith roth)
>>(account is 'Private')
>It is of course not as flexible as boolean expressions, but but you can
>do this with the following filter:
>[from] [includes at least one of the words] [kris* roth*]
>[account] [is] [private]
>[all conditions are met]
>You can also use:
>[from] [is in folder/group] [foo]
>if you have a group or folder containing the addresses you want to filter.

[breaking my promise]

Thanks Jérôme, quite elegant! This made me finally RTFM at <http://

Hey, I never said that the current filter concept is bad! It just
requires sometimes a little bit of thought (which is never a bad thing,
anyway...) and it has definitely its strengths over other implementations
due to the ordered evaluation, which is essentially a (implicit) priority
attribution to rules - which IS useful...

Regards, Christian.

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