PowerMail Engineering wrote:

>Using both AND and OR operators in a filter would be way to difficult to
>configure for most users. A lot of users already have difficulties to
>order their filters and use the "stop" checkbox correctly, so a complex
>interface like this one just out of question.

First, I think the ordering of filters with break-out-points (Stop
checkbox) is a powerful filter design, because you can keep single rules
small and easy.

Second, the need for understanding and using filter ordering and the stop
checkbox partially comes from the fact that I cannot express a desired
condition in one single filter only:

(from startswith kris OR from startswith roth)
(account is 'Private')

filters mail to me on the Private account that is from Christian, who
uses two different email addresses (either form work or at home).

In the current filter architecture, this means having two filters:

from startswith kris
account is Private
[all conditions match]
[stop filter evaluation]

from startswith roth
account is Private
[all conditions match]
[stop filter evaluation]

I'm not saying this is bad! It just adds to the number of filters I
currently have in my list. For me, it is easier to keep track of the one,
boolean filter above (named "Private mail from Christian") than the two
lower ones, because it is congruent with natural language wording and
thinking, but then I'm a programmer for a living. :-)

Actually, I indeed think you are right in regarding a filter-redesign as
lowest-priority item for PM at present, Jérôme. There are several
features that should be addressed first which add much more benefit to
users and as a consequence to CTM (which is also very important to me, PM
being my second-most important software tool).

Hereby withdrawing from further complex boolean filter discussion,

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