on Sun, May 9, 2004 "Michael Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> may have said:

>Sherman Wilcox sez:
>>>It is frustrating to be trying to select text and instead end up
>>>launching URLs or spuriously composing new messages etc.
>>I second this.
>I have no problems and prefer it as is. URLs should be clickable. If a
>preference is created which defaults to clickable behavior, so be it, but
>every mail program I know of has clickable URL built in. Some even only
>require ONE click, and I definitely prefer the DOUBLE click of PowerMail
>over that.

And that's why it should be a preference to turn it off :) If you do not
do much copying of text from emails the double-click probably works fine;
if you copy text from emails (esp. URL's) then the double-click is a
major problem you have to very carefully work around; in that case the
standard command-click would still work if double-clicking URL's could be
turned off in preferences.

To me, this single item would be justification for purchasing the PM5
upgrade today.

Lane Roathe, President                          Ideas From the Deep
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                          <http://www.ifd.com>
Forget about world peace, visualize using your turn signals!

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