A couple of question about exporting and archiving:

(1) Sometimes the PM (5.0 beta 18) Export Assistant lets me select
"Include Attachments" when I export using Tabulated Text, sometimes it
doesn't. Is this a bug? Am I supposed to be able to export attachments
when doing tabulated text?

(2) What I'd really like to be able to do is "clone" my current PM
database: that is, retain a full database for archive purposes, but start
with a new database which has exactly the same folder structure (with
empty folders) as my previous database. I've seen people suggest using
the Switch User Environment for the purpose of archiving. This is fine,
except of course a new environment doesn't have the same folder
structure. Is there some way to do this?

(3) If #2 isn't possible, does someone have a good FileMaker database
structure that you'd be willing to share? Is there any way to get
messages exported from PM into a FileMaker database and retain attachments?

Thanks in advance,
Sherman Wilcox

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