Sherman Wilcox wrote:

>(1) Sometimes the PM (5.0 beta 18) Export Assistant lets me select
>"Include Attachments" when I export using Tabulated Text, sometimes it
>doesn't. Is this a bug?

It's a bug; attachments can only be exported in unix-like mailbox formats.

>(2) What I'd really like to be able to do is "clone" my current PM
>database: that is, retain a full database for archive purposes, but start
>with a new database which has exactly the same folder structure

We should probably add something to automate this, but you may try this:
- open the export assistant (menu file / database / export), choose "your
entire mail database", and start the export
- stop the export as soon as the progress window appears; the first
information exported is the folder hierarchy, and this is all you need.
- quit PowerMail
- duplicate your PowerMail user folder, without the "Message Database",
"Message Database index", "IMAP Cache" and "Attachments" files.
- double click the duplicated "Setup Database", and immediately press the
command and option keys
- check "temporarily disable scheduled connections" in the PowerMail
First Aid window
- import the exported database; this will recreate your folder hierarchy
- unfortunately, the folders will probably have been imported using a
different internal ID, so you will have to verify all your filters, and
make sure they move the messages to the right folders
- quit and relaunch PowerMail, to re-enable the scheduled connections

Jérôme - PowerMail Engineering

   "If you need more than Apple Mail, PowerMail is the one, baby. Much
    like a fine European car, the dash looks simple and clean; you know
    you have the power under the hood when you need it. Fast, effective
    and useful"
  Daniel M. East, President of the The Mid-Atlantic Macintosh User Groups

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