You know, several things in that most recent response either ignored what
I wrote or deliberately obfuscated it (or you're just truly not
understanding at all). It's obvious that any further discussion on this
matter is not going to help any of us. Suffice it to say that I think
you're incorrect in many of your assumptions about how to write in an
electronic medium (and I'm not talking about emoticons and such -- when
was that ever mentioned before? we weren't even discussing grammar or
internet slang...).

Your examples are ludicrous. A haiku on one line? Come on. Haiku is way
under the 78-character line convention you're arguing against. No one has
said anything about not being able to type a return where you want for
that kind of effect, and PM or any other email client is not going to
muck with something like that. All of us are only talking about lines
over the limit and how some servers are going to screw them anyway.

>I really didn't mean to get you, or anyone else hot about the collar. 

You're really good at this assumption stuff. We're all trying to be
helpful here, not argumentative or "hot." Can no one disagree with you
without being called "religious", "hot" and other things? I thought this
was a very civil discussion until now.

>If you like your text wrapped at 78, please, enjoy it.  But why 
>be so dead set on trying to deny me of, and convince me against my wanting 
>to be able to send a nice letter that, should it be printed, will look
>like the 
>letter I typed?

And there is this obtuseness, deliberate or otherwise, which you're
showing. Your email is NOT going to look like what you typed by the time
we get it. End of argument. Make all the mentions of "freedom" that you
wish, but we should be free from having to scroll your long lines, read
choppy line lengths, and the like. PM is just handling all that before
there's any chance your long lines will be chopped. And it all looks just
fine, and it won't touch lines under the limit, so you can format to your
heart's content with indents, and list bullets, and whatever. But we've
all said this and several of us have demonstrated it, and somehow it's
not clear. Oh well.

Good luck with your search for an email client that will allow you to
work as you wish, no matter what others might see when they get your
mail. If you stick with PowerMail, I'm sure it will work for 95% of what
you need in a mail client. If we "raving zealots" have put you off of it
all now, I'm sure the pure text zealots of MailSmith or the non-database
mail zealots of Eudora will be happy to help you. :)

(You haven't seen true zealotry until you start trying to discuss HTML
vs. Text email. :) Don't EVEN get that one started.)

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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