Hello everyone:

Occasionally an email works its way through this list where someone is
complaining that a certain keyboard command in PowerMail should either be
something else or even, in fact, just exist.

The New York Times' David Pogue takes a look today at some of the
features of Panther (Mac OS X 10.3. <http://www.nytimes.com/2003/10/23/
technology/circuits/23POGUE-EMAIL.html> He focuses on lesser known
features such as improvements in keyboard shortcuts: 

>Most keyboard shortcuts are already consistent from program to program on
>the Mac, but there are exceptions; the Hide All Windows command in
>Photoshop, for example, should be Command-H like most other Mac programs,
>not Option-Command-H. Fortunately, using the new Keyboard control panel,
>you can easily change any keystroke in any program. You can also make up
>a new keyboard shortcut for menu commands that doesn't have them. I've
>already found this simple feature useful over and over again. 

Neat. While I haven't used it yet, it sounds promising as an alternative
for folks waiting for changes which may never come due to other priorities.

Michael Lewis
Off Balance Productions

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