Winston Weinmann on 9/20/07 said

>Steve -
>Also, near as I can tell, PowerMail exports no flag for Sent or Draft
>mail. So there is no way to tell them apart in an export. This could be
>a problem for people who use draft messages as notes.
>Would using Emailchemy solve your problem?

The trouble is that emailchemy while it lists many many proprietary
programs from which it will directly deal with, PowerMail is not one of
them; so all it can deal with is what PM exports.

The only other suggestion that came to me today is that perhaps you can
get some help from the MAIL side to see what is needed; at the Apple
Discussion groups at the apple website there is some genius mail guru
that seems to have good answers to almost everything; you can tell who he
is because on the right hand side he is the one at the top with the most

Barbara Needham

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