Dawid Wróbel wrote:
> Hi,
>       I upgraded today to the newest kpowersave + powersave from
> Debian repository (after some changes in packages) and I noticed
> something strange. Seems that cpufreq control isn't run, as my CPU
> constantly runs at 1,6GHz while the lowest state is 800MHz. Also, when
> I click on kpowersave icon that nice information dialog appears,
> confirming the above and introducing small UI bug [1]. And there is no
> cpufreq policy submenu when I right click on kpowersave's icon. During
> installation I was asked wheter to overwrite my /etc/powersave/cpufreq
> settings with new version provided by a package and I've chosen Yes, but
> it seems it stayed as it was(?). Could that be a case? I upgraded from
> official Ubuntu Dapper packages. 
> [1] http://cromo.klej.net/screen.png . The "running" text should be by
> the "Powersave Daemon" text

Just for clarification:
You are running Ubuntu Dapper, the old versions were powersave-0.11.2
and kpowersave-0.5.2 from Ubuntu, and you upgraded to the Debian
versions powersave-0.11.6 and kpowersave-0.5.4, right?
What kernel are you running, is it the stock Ubuntu kernel?
Please check, what cpufreq modules are loaded (lsmod | grep cpufreq)
resp. what governors are available and the currently active one:
"cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors"
"cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor"
Is your speedstep module loaded (probably speedstep_centrino)?
Does it work if you set CPUFREQ_CONTROL="userspace"
in /etc/powersave/cpufreq?
Judging from the picture you provided, you are running kpowersave-0.5.5,
did you compile it yourself? 0.5.5 is not yet uploaded to unstable.


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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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