
First of all, sorry for not jumping on this thread earlier... If someone tells 
you that a PhD is not time consuming, that's a lie. :-)

Le vendredi 27 octobre 2006 12:36, Danny Kukawka a écrit :
> There is currently no really collaboration. I discussed already some months
> ago with one of the solid developer (IIRC Kevin Ottens) about the
> powermanagemnt stuff in solid, but nothing more.

Yes, I didn't want to get in your way since you were still focusing on 3.5 
while I simply don't have time for 3.5 left.

> At the moment I feel not so confident about Solid. I'm not sure what the
> advantage of this "yet an other level of indirection" for KPowersave could
> be. We have now:
>       kernel <-> HAL <-> D-Bus <-> KPowersave (and back)
> and with Solid we would have:
>       kernel <-> HAL <-> D-Bus <-> Solid <-> KPowersave (and back)
> I see currently no advantage. But let see what the future bring ...

Well, if you're in the mood let's do everything for KPowersave as an 
independent project for Linux, I agree that there's no big advantage at using 
But, IMO if you take a look at the bigger picture of integrating with KDE then 
it makes sense to share what can be shared (actually if you look at my 
previous mail on this list, KPowersave wouldn't be the only one to query HAL 
for powermanagement information in the end hence why sharing is necessary).
Moreover since you would be depending on HAL which has a different release 
cycle and binary compatibility rules than KDE you want a mean to manage this 
correctly and to empower distributors to ship the newest KDE with the newest 
HAL without too much headache, and that's what Solid provides (through 
a -hopefully- clean frontend/backend split).
And finally, it opens opportunity to make kde apps work on platform that 
aren't covered yet, or won't be covered at all, by HAL.

That was just my 0.02€. Thanks for your attention.

Kévin 'ervin' Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net
"Ni le maître sans disciple, Ni le disciple sans maître,
Ne font reculer l'ignorance."

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