Zitat von Holger Macht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

3.) Now that we have at least one proper client for the two major
desktops (g-p-m and kpowersave), the following files have become
obsolete and could/should be removed
- do_screen_saver
- do_x_notification
- wm_logout
- wm_shutdown
- wttyhx
- x_helper_functions
- notify (remove zenity references, notify_popup_window)
- also the config_files should be updated and references to wm_* should
be removed
- kde-bin-dir/gnome-bin-dir becomes obsolete if the above files are removed

This kind of functionality belongs into the desktop session imho and can
be handled much better there. You could leave the files in SVN for
hacking experiments, but they shouldn't be distributed in the tarball

Actually you're completely right here. But... I like to keep them for now
for users not using KDE or GNOME. I know that keeping them is not the
cleanest way, but well, powersaved never has been _that_ clean ;-).

It's not completely backed yet how we will handle the things powersaved is
doing in the newest version. There's something like open hardware manager

Never heard of open hardware manager before.

coming up (not sure if it's suitable for this). I just like to do
something together with all distributions. Actually fedora makes the
impression that they like to run gpm with a --no-gui switch. That's cool
because you can have a 'make this the system defaults' button in the
preferences dialog, but sorry, I don't like to see g-p-m or kpowersave on
a server (with all its dependencies) ;-)

Completely agreed. For a server system we need a policy daemon which can be configured through plain text files and has no dependency on GUI libs. That's why I think powersaved is still important.

So as long as not all major distributions are heading in the same
direction I think it doesn't hurt to keep those files for now.


7.) liblazy/policykit checks
I don't quite understand, why powersave queries policykit directly.
These checks are done a second time within hal in
Wouldn't it be enough to check the return code of the
Suspend()/Hibernate() call?

It's just that the return code of the HAL method is just success or
failure, nothing more. So to actually know that "we are not allowed to",
we have to do the additional check.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up.

That's all for now.

So I'll addressed most of your issues I think. New package is
uploaded[1]. Will publish it later today and hopefully without bigger
changes. Nobody hinders us from doing a 0.15.12 short after this one.

Great. Thanks for your quick response,


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