julkifli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kadang pertanyaan adalah, apakah seseorang sudah melakukan sesuatu yang penting agar menjadi orang penting? begitukan...
Kenyataan: banyak orang telah melakukan sesuatu yang sangat penting, tidak dengan tujuan untuk menjadi orang penting atau mengubah dunia dengan mimpi... tapi hanya untuk sekedar bertahan hidup dengan realitas yang ada, kira2 seperti yang aku gambarkan kemarin

\\\ Ehm....thanks for asking. yup if we are talking about reality, everybody have their own reality it mean "WE CREATE OUR REALITY BY WHAT WE ARE THINKING". 

I'll give you an example, reality of corruptor : he/she will always thinks on how to increase their corruption practise to earn more money, he found this way only and never try to found another reality. because he/she has their own mindset and never realize even wish for change it.

reality of scientist : he/she will always performing many practical or experiment, innovation on his experiments regarding his satisfaction and carrier.

reality of enterpreneur : he/she will always searching better way, method and trick to increase their bussiness spreading and i found so many of them they said that what they do is a simple think, they wish to influencing people, make an integrated system for a better life. they never wait anybody to give them money or job for them, but they create a job for serving and helping other. they are very energic people!!. they try their best by any kind of way for that and never give up. that's why the got what they do and of course their dream come true!!! again, they will never give up whatever their condition and what they have.

anybody agree with me??

friends, everybody has unique thinking, if one of them thinks it's important, it doesnt mean true "yes, it's important" by another. One who can define that his/her thinking is absolutely true, and struggling to make it true on that certain situation, condition and their ""reality"" too, whom will get their dream.



fachim harharah
school of computer & system sciences
jawaharlal nehru univesity - india
[ fachim.tk ] [ jnu.ac.in ]
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