On 11/15/2012 01:41 PM, Michael Oke wrote:
I'm becoming worried about you. You need to seek competent, professional help 
for your delusions. Do it now.

Thank you Dr. Oke. You state above, " your delusions", so what are your credentials? Are you a competent, professional Doctor specializing in psychiatric psychosis, or just another Republican attempting to discredit anything outside the box of Republican talking points.



Michael Oke, II

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On Nov 14, 2012, at 7:12 PM, lelandj <lela...@mail.smvfp.com> wrote:

I'm beginning to think that  Susan Rice, USA Ambassador to the UN, was setup by the CIA.  
I know that John McCain and Lindsey Graham were big supporters of president Bush's 
foreign policy, including voting for President Bush's nomination of neocon, "Bull 
Dog", John Bolton,  as USA Ambassador to the UN.  If John Bolton had been confirmed, 
he would have raised hell at the UN an alienated everybody against the USA. Susan Rice, 
USA Ambassador to the UN, has been just the opposite of a John Bolton pick, and has been 
very successful improving USA international relations and gaining international support 
for tough sanctions against Iran, much to the chagrin of Israel and the neocons who would 
much prefer preemptive war.

I never really understood why General David Petraeus was made the Director of 
the CIA.  From what I've read, he was not well liked by the intelligence 
community, who say him as an military man, and thus an outsider.  General 
Petraeus might also have been setup by, or a victim of the CIA.

Senator John McCain and Lindsey Graham want to conduct hearings on President 
Obama's handling of the Benghazi attack, along the lines that brought President 
Nixon down during the Watergate hearings, as a way to get at President Obama.  
Nixon had his Watergate, Clinton had his Monica Lewinsky's, and, if the 
republican have their way, Obama will have his Bengahzi.  LOL

Somehow the Benghazi attack and Israel's desire to preemptively strict Iran; 
because, they fear Iran might perfect a nuclear weapon in the future, seems to 
play a role in all this; thus, its seems possible that the CIA, or Isreal, 
might have orchestrated the Benghazi attack to advance their political and 
military agenda. Things have come far enough along now, that someone should be 
able to begin connecting the dots.  LOL


The president denounced senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham for saying they 
would attempt to block Rice from leading the state department if Obama 
nominated her because she either lied or was incompetent in saying that the 
attack in Libya on September 11 was spontaneous and that there was no evidence 
of a link to al-Qaida.

Republicans assert that the White House knew at the time that neither claim was 
true. The administration says the information was substantially correct even if 
it was wrong to assert there was a demonstration taking place at the time. It 
says the link to al-Qaida is tenuous.

Obama vigorously defended Rice at his press conference on Wednesday by saying 
that she was merely repeating the intelligence available at the time when she 
appeared on various Sunday television talk shows five days after the Benghazi 





[excessive quoting removed by server]

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