On 2016-11-03 14:24, Gene Wirchenko wrote:
     I have a routine that packs and reindexes all of the tables. I
have not needed anything more involved.

     I do see some memo bloat.  I have a table that stores
configuration data.  When packed, the .fpt is 1280 bytes.  I see from
the latest sent to me that it is up to 5,205,248 bytes.  That is
bigger than the source code.

Would the PACK do a reindex automatically? According to VFP Help (also here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/subscriptions/downloads/t2704cs4(v=vs.80).aspx ): "If the current table has one or more indexes open, PACK rebuilds the index files."

So your reindex, Gene, must be the EXPLICIT kind of reindex akin to Stonefield Database Toolkit or your own explicit INDEX Field TAG MyOrder commands. Otherwise, if you're just doing REINDEX, sounds to me like you're doing it twice. In fact, if you're running your own reindex, you may as well do a DELETE TAG ALL beforehand to avoid the double-work. ????

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