Does anyone have experience with Splashtop remote software and understand their offerings enough to comment? I currently use $$$$$LOGMEIN$$$$$$

After comments here about (and researching) Splashtop, I'm convinced it could be a viable solution for a LOT less $$$ than Logmein. But I have one specific scenario that I can't get an answer (from Splashtop) about.

I have about 50 end users that are in City A, and need to connect to computers in City B to run an application that still uses DBF files.
I think it's a Clipper app, it uses NDX files, too.

With Logmein it's very easy to
a) install Logmein on both 'ends' of the connection (computer in City A, computer in City B) b) place a shortcut on the desktop of the workstation in City A that links that workstation to a specific computer in City B c) the end user double-clicks shortcut, it connects after password entry, and they have their own private remote session.

How would that be done with Splashtop?
Would it be best to set up individual accounts for each City A remote workstation?

I've looked through Splashtop's offerings and I don't really see that they address this scenario. I've talked to three different "pre sales techs" on their webchat and none of them grasped what the scenario was (offering silly solutions.)

And before anyone suggests other solutions (software) I have to have remote printing, which seems to be somewhat rare...

Thanks for all feedback!
Mike Copeland

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