On Feb 15, 2023, at 19:01, Kurt @ Gmail <kurthwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So, I know there is a Leafe mailing list for Python, as I just looked on the 
> Leafe mailing lists website. But, sadly - unlike this one - it pretty much 
> looks dead. Sad - since I was just beginning to get back into some Python 
> programming again.

I set up the ProPython and ProLinux lists at a time when there was a lot of 
discussion about things on those topics on this list, and some members felt 
that that stuff didn't belong on a VFP list. But as you've noticed, there 
really isn't a need for those lists anymore, and since it takes me more effort 
to close them than to leave them running, they're still there.

But I still don't see anything wrong with asking Python questions here, as long 
as you add the [NF] in the subject, so that those members who only want VFP 
content can filter out such messages.

-- Ed Leafe

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