=> Subject: Re: [OT] Justice Dept. Database Stirs Privacy Fears
=> It means something in the overall big picture of the "War on 
=> Terrorism".  The "War on Terrorism" is a fabricated pretext 
=> to usher in the PNAC agenda.  The PNAC agenda is to ensure 
=> American and Israel will be the sole super powers of the 
=> world.  The PNAC is made up of "Neoconservatives", (eg 
=> Zionist War Zealots), who want to protect Israel, control 
=> the ME and its oil reserves and thus the wealth of the 
=> world, and preempt any threat to American and Israeli 
=> dominance in the world.  Israel's doctrine of preemption 
=> includes targeting threats, whether they be countries or 
=> individuals,  and summarily eliminating/executing them.  The 
=> new DOJ database is just part of this new world order, along 
=> with the remaking of the Supreme Court, increased executive 
=> branch powers at the expense of constitution guarantees and 
=> checks and balances, and more control over the general 
=> population, at the expense of constitutional freedoms.
=> Regards,
=> LelandJ

Exactly.  I agree 110% (with the exception of the Zionists who are not 
instigators as much as simply riding the crest of the wave as the only ME 
people who can be trusted over the long haul).  And that is just the tip of the 
iceberg.  So what's the big deal about adding this database to the "arsenal"?  
This is very minor and of little consequence in terms of the big picture, as is 
the recent election and its forthcoming impact on our representative government.


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