I bet you'd like to give those Zionists a Xyclon-B
shower, wouldn't you?

--- Leland Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Many of President Bush's cabinet and political
> appointments are 
> Neoconservatives, (eg Zionist War Zealot), that live
> in the US, but have 
> dual citizenship in both the US and Israel.  They
> are not instigators of 
> the "War on Terrorism"; they created it.
> If we want to preserve our American heritage and
> freedoms, all Americans 
> need to be educated about the dangers of the
> direction in which the PNAC 
> is leading the US.  We can preserve our freedom and
> the American way of 
> life using the democratic vote as our weapon.  If
> the country continues 
> in the wrong direction, we will find ourself living
> under a morph 
> democracy, which limits our choices of official we
> can elect to office 
> and our freedoms.  Protection of the American people
> and constitutional 
> freedom are no mutually exclusive goals.  Both can
> be achieve with the 
> right balance.
> When I first moved to Abilene, Texas in 1979, city
> politics were control 
> by a small group of influential Abilenians organized
> under the banner of 
> "Citizens For Responsible Government".  Whoever this
> group decided to 
> support for city council was a shoe-in.  This seemed
> odd to me having 
> come from Dallas, Texas, as the "Citizens for
> Responsible Government" 
> never consulted me, or anyone else,  about what was
> wanted by the 
> population of Abilene as a representative to the
> city council.  America 
> could slip into the same trap, with a small
> influence group of 
> individuals controlling who becomes our
> representatives in Congress, the 
> Supreme Court, and the Executive Branch.  In such a
> democratic form of 
> of government, the elected would be representing
> this small group of 
> individual, rather than mainstream Americans.
> Consider yourself as a high ranking powerful
> government official with 
> access to detailed, sensitive information about
> every American at your 
> fingertips.  Information can be a powerful weapon. 
> You could SQL the 
> database of Americans by religion, race, political
> affiliation, income, 
> career choice, sexual orientation, age, sex,
> criminal record,  Armed 
> service record, and eventually DNA makeup, etc.  A
> secret police force 
> would be needed to maintain the database.  The
> secret police could add 
> to the database based on their surveillance,
> investigations, rumors, 
> etc.  Citizen could be encourage to add to the
> information in the 
> database by reporting personal information that came
> to them from 
> neighbor or aquantance, etc.  You could then
> blackmail citizens, target 
> groups of citizen for purposes of discrimination,
> abuse, or even 
> elimination.  It would be the perfect tool to insure
> perpetual power in 
> government.
> Regards,
> LelandJ
> Hal Kaplan wrote:
> >=> Subject: Re: [OT] Justice Dept. Database Stirs
> Privacy Fears
> >=> 
> >=> It means something in the overall big picture of
> the "War on 
> >=> Terrorism".  The "War on Terrorism" is a
> fabricated pretext 
> >=> to usher in the PNAC agenda.  The PNAC agenda is
> to ensure 
> >=> American and Israel will be the sole super
> powers of the 
> >=> world.  The PNAC is made up of
> "Neoconservatives", (eg 
> >=> Zionist War Zealots), who want to protect
> Israel, control 
> >=> the ME and its oil reserves and thus the wealth
> of the 
> >=> world, and preempt any threat to American and
> Israeli 
> >=> dominance in the world.  Israel's doctrine of
> preemption 
> >=> includes targeting threats, whether they be
> countries or 
> >=> individuals,  and summarily
> eliminating/executing them.  The 
> >=> new DOJ database is just part of this new world
> order, along 
> >=> with the remaking of the Supreme Court,
> increased executive 
> >=> branch powers at the expense of constitution
> guarantees and 
> >=> checks and balances, and more control over the
> general 
> >=> population, at the expense of constitutional
> freedoms.
> >=> 
> >=> Regards,
> >=> 
> >=> LelandJ
> >=> 
> >
> >Exactly.  I agree 110% (with the exception of the
> Zionists who are not instigators as much as simply
> riding the crest of the wave as the only ME people
> who can be trusted over the long haul).  And that is
> just the tip of the iceberg.  So what's the big deal
> about adding this database to the "arsenal"?  This
> is very minor and of little consequence in terms of
> the big picture, as is the recent election and its
> forthcoming impact on our representative government.
> >
> >B+
> >HALinNY
> >
> >
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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