> > We're at war today
>       No. The war ended almost 4 years ago. We are an 
> occupying army now.

We've got our finger stuck in Muslim/Arab eyes, and we're one more
serious attack away from a far deeper appreciation of what's been
wrought on us by the warmongers occupying our capital and information

We don't understand or respect our enemy. Despite all the lessons of
history, we've been led to believe that all we have to do is send in the
Marines and our enemies will cower under our "shock and awe". What
actually happened on the way to that throne is already history; what
happens next is anyone's guess, but by now we should already know it's
not going to be the grand and glorious victory-over-evil bill of goods
we've been sold on.

Decades ago, we went through the Cuban missile crisis, and a brush with
disaster the likes of which we still can't imagine, yet with that
experience solidly under our belt, we have not taken the steps necessary
to prevent that possibility from ever happening again - instead we did
the opposite: more weapons, more bombs, more shock and awe - and more

What will it take for us to finally learn that war in the nuclear age is
not an option? Why can't we grasp a simple truth: that when we disagree
with the rulers of another country, the solution isn't to kill or starve
all the people in that country, who were just victims themselves, but to
use national and international diplomacy to deal with the errant ruler?
We are aware that those "bunker-busters" being readied for Iran are
actually nuclear weapons, right?

I know - these are all statements of the obvious, and shouldn't even
have to be said, but here we are today, closer to nightmare scenarios at
home (Big Brother) and abroad (war) then we could have imagined not too
many years ago. The scariest part isn't what's happening already, but
what is very likely to happen next if we don't do what we have to do.
We, the American people, didn't bring this on, it was done for us, by
that gang and their cohorts. They're not telling us this, but I'll say
it: we need to choose between their attitude and their direction - and
the principles we want to live by. 


> -- Ed Leafe

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