And yet, still, 90% of lawyers and doctors are only maginally competent 
at best...

As for plumbers and carpenters -- "certification" is not designed to 
weed out the incompetent but rather to raise the bar for entry into 
lucrative professions to the favored few.  In many cases, originally, it 
was to keep out the Blacks and the Irish.  <s>

Basic business skills are irrelevant to a good computer program and, if 
you believe the many pro-m$ types, so are ethics...

Ted Roche wrote:

>On 1/18/07, Chet Gardiner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>The real reason is that programming is an art, not a science...
>>Can't certify art...
>Practitioners might argue that good practice of many professions
>qualify as art: medicine, law, plumbing, carpentry... basic
>proficiency and perhaps basic business skills and ethics ought to be
>testable, shouldn't they?

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