On 3/15/07, Brian Abbott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If someone like him feels the pain, what hope for the  rest of us?
> After quite a while spent on the fence I've decided against pursuing
> .Net - the whole thing is such a behometh that you have to either buy
> into it totally (and take whatever MS throws at you) or walk the other
> way ...

The first step of recovery is admitting you have a problem. Welcome, Brian. ;)

I think any change will be hard. My plan, slowly gelling since 1998
but accelerating over the past couple of years, has been:

1. Learn enough LAMP to deliver websites for clients. Learn enough
Linux to be able to run it safely, as little Apache as possible, as
much about databases as I can and enough PHP to fake it pretty well.
Done, starting in 2005. And ongoing. I am not a sysadmin except by
default as no one else is here willing to do it. So cron jobs, bash
scripts, ssh keypairs, backup techniques, RAID, Logical Volume
Management, routing, subnets, CIDRs, IPTables, name-based hosting, SSL
certificates and so forth become part of the job. Just master another
OS. How hard can it be? Well, I think it's easier than keeping up with
where Windows has hidden that dialog in this version.  Joining the
LUGs helped a lot. Getting a beater box and installing on it a couple
dozen times helped, too. There's lots and lots of material online to
help you do whatever you want. The Answers Are Out There.

2. Evaluate Linux on the desktop. I've been completely on Linux as my
primary desktop (first Ubuntu, then Fedora Core 6) since October and
it just works. Whil reminds us every chance he gets that "it's so
simple an 11-year-old can do it;" the problem is that most of us dont'
have eleven year olds around.

3. Find a new primary language to develop in: Python is my choice. Two
years of monthly PySIG meetings, a batch of books half-read and I'm
getting there. I still confuse classes and instances and modules, and
I'm struggling mightily with not confusing Fox syntax with PHP with
Python, but even an old calcified brain like mine can make the switch.

4. Learn how to develop rich client apps (preferrably cross-platform)
in Python: Dabo is the obvious choice. Ongoing.

This is not a short-term or easy switch. Then again, neither was Windows.

But that all sounds quite negative. There is an upside, too: I am
having a blast with this stuff! There's lots to learn, but I love to
learn. Folks who develop and support this stuff want to share, try to
help you (as long as you don't waste their time) and there are tons of
documentation and help out there. What I can do with the machines is
cool. Whil nailed it a while ago : people are passionate about what
they are doing, how to do it, and how to make it better. I have missed
that. You don't find a lot of passionate Windows sysadmins. They have
had that beaten out of them.

There are still passionate VFP developers, and I mean to take nothing
from them. Rick Schummer and Doug Hennig and the other SednaX
developers are going to bring even more powerful tools to the VFP
platform and they are doing great work and I hope they can make some
good money from their efforts. (We're not hearing from them this week
because they are at a MSFT brainwashing session, er, MVP Summit in
Redmond.) I am just not convinced that I will be able to find
customers who can benefit from their efforts.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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